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Comparison of the Forest Income and Expenditures fob the Period 1922-28.

Diagram showing the Apportionment of each £1 of the Service Expenditure for the Fiscal Year ended 31st March, 1928.

Counties' Share in State Forest Timber-sale Receipts. In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of the Finance Act, 1924, an amount of £6,982 17s. 4d. was paid to thirty-three local authorities during the year under review. The counties are entitled to one-fifth of the net proceeds of rents, royalties, and sales of native timber growing on Crown lands set apart by Proclamation as State forest or provisional State forest. The counties have submitted proposals to expend the above sum mainly on improvements to roads providing access to State forests, and therefore to the benefit of backblock settlers. National Endowment Account's Share in Stale Forest Timber-sale Receipts. The National Endowment Account has benefited by the of £13,884 15s. 9d., being the net proceeds, in accordance with section 39 of the Forests Act, 1921-22, of timber sales and royalties from national-endowment lands being administered by the Service, 3. Operation. Timber-sales. The attached schedule shows a marked falling-off in the quantity of timber sold and the quantity cut from State forests during 1927-28, as compared with previous years, and is striking evidence of the depression through which the milling industry has been passing.

Note. —Receipts shown above for the periods 1920-21 to 1923 24 do not include the half-share of receipts paid into the National Endowment Account from State forests on national-endowment lands. Reference to the attached graphs shows the quantities of the various species comprised in Forest Service timber-sales for the last two years.

2—C. 3.

Fiscal Year. Number of Sales. Value of Timber ! Quantity of R °? ei £ ts T ft ' om a11 , , , . ,, rS- v u Timber Licenses sold during the limber sold , ™ , . Year 8 during the Year. m J^y^r"^ Quantity cut from State Forests during the Year. 1927-28 1926-27 1925-26 1924-25 1923-24 1922-23 1921-22 1920-21 I r : I I 49 52 65 54 61 52 40 5 £ Feet, B.M. £ 34,000 24,310,100 91,282 52,125 43,144,000 103,524 80,565 73,659,000 130,132 96,158 69,253,000 134,731 266,388 ! 212,085,000 68,295 95,357 78,830,000 47,462 38,208 35,669,000 24,320 17,055 6,987,000 16,815 I Feet, B.M. 36,654,000 64,639,000 79,009,000 102,369,900 52,297,000