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" (4) As regards travel by Danish citizens to New Zealand Island Territories and the Trust Territory of Western Samoa, visas will not be required but it will be necessary for travellers to comply with the laws and regulations concerning. the entry, residence (temporary or permanent) and employment or occupation of foreigners in the Island Territories or the Trust Territory of Western Samoa as the case may be. Travellers who are unable to satisfy the Immigration authorities that they comply with these regulations may be refused leave to enter or land. (5) As regards w travel to and within Greenland it is understood that special permits will continue to be required." 2. If the Danish Government are prepared to accept the foregoing provisions, I have the honour to suggest that the present note, and your reply in similar terms, should be regarded as placing on record the agreement between the two Governments which will take effect on 1 January 1949. I have, &c., W. NASH, for Minister of External Affairs.

No. 2 Mr. Karl I. Eskelund to Mr. Walter Nash Legation of Denmark, Wellington, 13 December 1948. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of the letter dated December 13, 1948, whereby you were good enough to convey to me that the Government of New Zealand, wishing v to facilitate the movement of persons between our two countries, were ready to enter into an Agreement with the Danish Government on the following terms : " (1) Danish citizens shall be free to travel to New Zealand by any route without the necessity of obtaining a visa in advance provided they are furnished with valid Danish passports.