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D.—No. 4,

Building materials are now to be purchased on reasonable terms. Under these circumstances, theCommissioners suggest, for the consideration of the Government, whether it is desirable that they should be prohibited from proceeding with the building, now that the contract may be secured or* reasonable terms. As they are acting in the execution of a Commission issued to them under the hand of the Governor, and under the public seal of the Colony, directing them to take the necessary steps for causing (he construction, without delay, of a Government House, the Commissioners submit that they will hardly be justified in staying their proceedings except by virtue of an equal formal authority. 1 am directed to add, for the information of the Government, that as the business of the Commission did not appear to them to justify them in the employment of a paid Secretary at a salary of three hundred pounds a year, the Commissioners, after giving Mr. Kempthorne a month's notice, ceased to employ his services as Secretary, on the Ist instant. I have, &c, \V. Gisborne, Esq., Under Secretary, Joseph Brown, Wellington. Clerk to the Board. No. 11. The Assistant Treasurer, "Wellington, to the Sub-Treasurer, Auckland. Sir,— Treasury, Wellington, 17th March, 18(55. I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to prepare and forward to this office a copy of the account furnished to the Province of Auckland in March, 1861, of the sum of £13,752 Gs. 6d. r payable to the Province on account of Government House, &c. The Treasury accounts and Colonial Secretary's records for this period having been lost in the " White Swan," the information cannot be obtained hero. If this account cannot be prepared from the Sub-Treasury Books in your charge, a copy of it might perhaps be obtained on application to his Honor the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, to whom it was forwarded by letter from the Colonial Secretary, No. 130, of 12th March, 1861. I have, &c, The Sub-Treasurer, Auckland. J. Woodward, Assistant Treasurer. No. 12. Assistant-Treasurer, Auckland, to the Hon. the Colonial Tkesureh. Sir,— Sub-Treasury, Auckland, 27th March, 1865. In compliance with the request contained in your letter of the 17th instant, No. 190, 1 have the honor to forward to you a copy of the Account furnished to the Province of Auckland in March, 1861, of the sum of £13,752 6s. 6d., payable to the Province on account of Government House, which I have been able to obtain from the office of his Honor the Superintendent. I have, &s., The Hon. the Colonial Treasure]', Wellington, E. F. Porter. Enclosure to No. 12. The Province of Auckland in Account with the General Government of New Zealand for the value of Land and Buildings exchanged with the Provincial Government of Auckland.
