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9. The employer to find covering for machinery (if necessary) and shed for protection of men from the inclemency of the weather.

Schedule of Prices for Bore Holes.

After which special rates will be charged. These prices apply to work in strata of ordinary character. The company will undertake work from the bottom of shafts, or continue bore holes already commenced, in which case special prices will be quoted. Should the nature of the ground to be bored through be such as to require lining, the expense of providing the lining tubes, and of putting them down, to be borne by the contractor; but should the company recover the lining tubes, the contractor will bear the expense of the recovery, but will be allowed 75 per cent, of the prime cost of the tubes. No difficulty has occurred in practice in withdrawing the lining tubes. N.B.—Sample cores are brought up, giving reliable information as to the strata passed through (which cannot be obtained by any other system) ; and the speed of boring is such that work which would take by ordinary means years is done in less than the same number of months.

Authority : George DiDSBURY, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB79.

Price 3d.]
