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D.—IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WOBKS. D.—l. PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT by the Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works, 16th September, 1902. D.—2. RAILWAYS STATEMENT by the Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, Minister for Railways (including Annual Report of General Manager of Railways), 2nd July, 1902. D.-3. MEMBERS OP THE RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. — List setting out in order of Classification the Name, Status, and Pay of each Member, and the Number of Years he has been in the service of the Department on Ist April, 1902. D.—4. RAILWAY PROPERTY—Particulars of Leases of. D.—s. WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE COMPANY AND THE MINISTER FOR RAlLWAYS.—Agreement between, for fitting Brake to Rolling-stock in the South Island. D.—6. ACCIDENTS TO TRAINS, DUNEDIN DlSTRlCT—Correspondence relating to. D.—7. NORTH ISLAND AND SOUTH ISLAND.—Comparative Returns of Public Works Expenditure, and Lands Expenditure and Revenue. D.—B. CANAL PROM WAIUKU TO THE WAIKATO RlVER—Report showing the estimated Cost of constructing a. D.—9. RAILWAY EMPLOYEES—Return showing Number and Wages of. D.—lo. LEVELS AND WAIMATE COUNTIES—Report of Commission on converging Traffic in, with Minutes of Evidence. D.—ll. GOVERNMENT CO-OPERATIVE WORKS—Number and Location of Men employed on. D.—l 2. WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED) — Correspondence renewing Agreement for interchange of Traffic with.

E.—EDUCATION. E.—l. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. E.—lα. TEACHERS' AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. (In continuation of E.-IA, 1901.) E.—lβ. REPORTS OF INSPECTORS OP SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-Ib, 1901.) B.—lo. STATE EDUCATION IN THREE AUSTRALIAN STATES AND NEW ZEALAND — Report on, by Mr. P. Goyen. E.—ld. PUBLIC-SCHOOL CADETS—Report on the Organization, &c, of Corps and Detachments. E.—2. NATIVE SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-2, 1901.) E.-3. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. (In continuation of E.-3, 1901.) E.-3a. THE COSTLEY TRAINING INSTITUTION. (In continuation of E.-Sa, 1901.) E._ i. SCHOOL FOR DEAF-MUTES. (In continuation of E.-4, 1901.) E.—s. MANUAL AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. (In continuation of E.-5, 1901.) E.—6. UNIVERSITY OP NEW ZEALAND. (In continuation of E.-6, 1901.) E.-7. UNIVERSITY OP OTAGO. (In continuation of E.-7, 1901.) E.—B. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-8, 1901.) E.—9. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-9, 1901.) E.—lo. VICTORIA COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-10, 1901.) E.—ll. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (In continuation of E.-11, 1901.) E.—l2. SECONDARY SCHOOLS—Reports of. (In continuation of E.-12, 1901.) E.—l2a. RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. E.—l3. SUBSIDIES TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES. (In contiuuation of E.-13, 1901.) E.—l4. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION.

F.—POSTAL AND TELEGEAPHS. P.—l. POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT—Report of, for the Year 1901. P.—2 POST OFFICE ACCOUNT—Balance-sheet of, to 31st December, 1901. F.—4. POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS—Deposits received and paid, and Expenses in connection therewith. P.—4a. SECURITIES, ETC., STANDING IN THE NAME OF THE POSTMASTER - GENERAL ON ACCOUNT OF THE POST-OPPICE SAVINGS-BANK FUND — Statement of, on 31st December, 1901. P.—s. POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTAL LIST for the Financial Year 1992-3. F.—6. OCEAN MAIL-SEBVICES—Further Papers. (In continuation of F.-60, 1901.) P.—B. TELEGRAPH CABLES—Further Papers. (In continuation of F.-8, 1901.)