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One accident, resulting fatally, occurred in a factory. Investigation of the matter showed it to be purely a case of misadventure. Two servants' registry-office keepers renewed their licenses daring the year. The Factories, Shops and Shop-assistants' and Servants' Registry Offices Acts have worked well during the year, there being no complaints antl no prosecutions. The accommodation for shearers has considerably improved throughout this district, a number of suitable buildings having been recently erected. The district continues to progress, the bush being cleared and buildings erected. Manual labour of all kinds is plentiful, consequently there are no willing hands idle. I have, &c, Myles Doyle, Inspector of Factories. B. Tregear, Esq., Chief Inspector of Factories, Wellington.

NAPIEE. Sib, — Department of Labour, Napier, 6th April, 1903. I have the honour to submit my report for the year ending the 31st March, 1903. Labour. During the year 56 men have been assisted to work, of- whom 30 were married, with 91 persons dependent upon them, and 26 were single men, with 25 persons dependent upon them. For the past five months the supply about equalled the demand. All genuine workmen have been able to secure work without much loss of time. Factories. This year 159 factories have been registered, employing 1,200 workers—namely 921 males, and 278 females. Ninety-six males over sixteen years of age have worked 5,634 hours' overtime; 94 women and boys under sixteen years of age worked 976 hours' overtime. Twenty-one permits have been issued to young persons under sixteen years of age—namely, 9 males and 12 females. Five accidents have been reported during the year, none of which were of a serious nature. There have been 3 prosecutions under this Act, all of which were decided in favour of the Department. Shops and Shop-assistants Act. I have had no difficulty in administering this Act. The shopkeepers almost without exception cheerfully conform to its requirements. Overtime warrants were granted to work overtime to 35 women and girls (177 hours), and to 13 boys (176 hours). There was only one prosecution during the year—for working on the statutory half-holiday : a conviction was secured. Servants' Eegistry Offices Act. There is only one office in this district. I have had no complaints. Shearers' Accommodation Act. I visited all the shearing-sheds in my district that come under this Act, and which I reported on to the Department on the 16th December, 1902. With one or two exceptions I found them satisfactory. I have, &c, John Sinclair, E. Tregear, Esq., Chief Inspector of Factories, Wellington. Inspector of Factories. DANNEVIEKE. Sir, — Police-station, Dannevirke, 13th April, 1903. I beg to submit my annual report for the period ending the 31st March, 1903. "The Factories Act, 1901." The total factories registered in this district during the period is 52, employing 300 males and 18 females (total, 318), as against 48, employing 233 males and 18 females (total, 251), in 1901, being an increase of 4 factories and 67 males employed. Of the 300 males, 148 are employed in sawmills. The balance (152) are engaged in blacksmithing, tailoring, saddlering, bootmaking, baking, coachbuilding, &c, and only make and manufacture for the local requirements of the district. There is little overtime worked, and only by dressmakers. Permits were issued to 3 young persons to work in factories —viz., 2 boys, one of whom had passed Standard IV. and one Standard V., and 1 girl, Standard V. Three accidents were reported during the period. One proved fatal. Deceased's clothing got entangled in a revolving shaft in a planing-mill, causing instant death. The other two occurred in sawmills, but were not of a serious nature.. There were five or six accidents—one fatal—to bushmen working in connection with sawmills, but they do not come under the provisions of section 39. I have had no complaints from employees or employers. There were no prosecutions for any breach of the Act, and no disputes between employees and employers. The Act is working smoothly.