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C.—CROWN LANDS AND MINES. C—l. LANDS AND SURVEY—AnnuaI Report of Department of. C—2. MINES STATEMENT, by the Hon. J. McGowan, Minister of Mines. C—3. GOLDPIELDS OF NEW ZEALAND—Report of the Department of Mines on the, for the Year 1902. C—3a. INSPECTION OF COAL-MlNES.—Report for the Year 1902. C. --3b. STATE COAL-MlNES—Report on the Working of the, for the Year 1903. C—4. " UNCLAIMED LANDS ACT, 1894 "—Lands taken Possession of under the. C —5. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900 "—Report on. C.—sa. Return relative to Estates acquired under the Compulsory Clauses of, to 31st March, 1902. C. —sb. Return relative to Estates acquired under the Compulsory Clauses of, to 31st March, 1903. C.—sc. Return relative to Estates acquired in Southland. C—6. TOTARA FORESTS—SaIes of, and Expenditure on Roads or Roads in Totara Districts. C—7. "GOVERNMENT LOANS TO LOCAL BODIES ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1891," AND "LOCAL BODIES' LOANS ACT, 1901 "—Details relative to Blocks of Land proclaimed under. C.—B. LAND-BALLOT SYSTEM—Reports and Suggestions relative to. C—9. LAND SALES—Amounts received Annually in respect of, for the Ten-year Periods 1881-90 and 1891-1900 and the Total Amount so received up to 31st March, 1901. C—lo. SURRENDERS BY CROWN LESSEES, and Area of Land converted into Freehold by such Surrenders for Five Years ended 31sc March, 1901. C. 11. CROWN TENANTS' RENT REBATE ACT—Sums remitted under. C—l 2. STATE FORESTS.—Revenue and Expenditure for Ten Years ended 31st March, 1902. C.—l2a. Revenue and Expenditure for Ten Years ended 31st March, 1903. C —12b. Particulars respecting Plantations. 0.-18. FORESTS CONSERVATION—Reports relative to. C —13a Further Reports. C. —13b. Further Reports. (Native Flora and Fauna.) C—l 4. RESERVES IN EACH LAND DlSTRlCT—Particulars as to. C.-15. LEVIN STATE FARM—Ac-counts of. C—l 6. TARANAKI IRONSAND AND PARAPARA IRON DEPOSlTS—Correspondence relative to the Leasing and Working of.