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" That the Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum desire to place on record their sense of the great loss that has been sustained by this Board in the passing away of their late esteemed colleague and friend, Sir George Troup, and their appreciation of the services rendered by him to the Board, and the community of Wellington generally, and particularly in relation to his interest in the National Art Gallery and the inauguration of the building scheme at Mount Cook. Also that the Trustees extend their sincere sympathy to Lady Troup and family in their bereavement." Changes in Personnel. Mr. W. H. Price, as Chairman of the Wellington Harbour Board, became a member of the Board in July, 1941, and Mr. W. L. Fitzherbcrt (former Chairman of the Wellington Harbour Board) retired. General. The operations of the three institutions under the control of the Board have been carried on under difficult conditions during the year, owing to the situation caused by the war. The reports of the three Management Committees are attached hereto. Attendances at both the Art Gallery and Museum were maintained, but visitors to the Carillon were insufficient to warrant keeping the tower open. The activities of the Art Gallery and Museum are being continued as far as conditions will allow. Part of the National Collection has been transferred to a country district as a safeguard. A number of valuable gifts of pictures and exhibits were received by the Art Gallery and Museum during the year, and the Board extends its grateful thanks to the donors. The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts presented further pictures to the Art Gallery. A grant was received from the T. G. Macarthy Trust for purchase of pictures and for furtherance of educational work in both institutions. Contributions from local bodies have been maintained, and their support is much appreciated. The Board records its appreciation of continued assistance from the New Zealand Government, Carnegie Corporation of New York, T. G. Macarthy Trust, New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, the Royal Society, and others; also the press and Broadcasting services for valuable publicity. The staffs of the Art Gallery, Museum, and Carillon have rendered valuable service under difficult conditions. The audited annual accounts and balance-sheet, with Treasurer's report, are appended hereto, and show a healthy state as regards linance. After providing for appropriations of £1,000 for Renewals, Repairs, and Extension Fund, £200 for educational purposes, and £114 for special purposes in connection with the Art Gallery, there remains a credit balance of £122 to be carried forward to next period. P. Fraser, Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1942. Committee of Management of the National Art Gallery. D. A. Ewen, Esq., M.B.E. (Chairman); Mrs. M. Murray Fuller; Messrs. A. D. Carbery, C.B.E. ; Nugent Welch; W. S. Wauchop, M.A. ; *G. G. Gibbes Watson, M.A., LL.B.; Stanley W. Fearn, A.R.LB.A., F.N.Z.I.A. (Wellington); Richard Gross, C.M.G. (Auckland); and Archibald F. Nicoll (Christchurch). Sub-committees : National Art Gallery. Architectural. —Stanley W. Fearn (Convener) and William Page. Sculpture.—Richard Gross (Convener) and F. H. Shurrock. Educational.—W. S. Wauchop (Convener), A. F. Nicoll, A. D. Carbery, and Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. Hanging. —Mrs. M. Murray Fuller (Convener), Nugent Welch, and A. D. Carbery. Finance.—D. A. Ewen (Convener) and Stanley W. Fearn. Management Committee Meetings. Three meetings of the Committee of Management wore held during the year, and the various sub-committees met from time to time as required. Obituary. The Committee has sustained a severe loss during the year through the death of Sir George Troup, Kt., C.M.G. The Committee desires to record its great appreciation of the outstanding services rendered by him to the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum and to the cause of art generally during his lifetime. The late Sir George Troup was chairman of the Committee from the time of its inception until ill health compelled him to relinquish the position in 1938. He continued as a member of the Committee until the time of his death. The Committee desires also to record its appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. Joseph M. Ellis, whose death occurred during the year. He was one of the original members of the Committee, and at the time of his death was a member of the Sculpture Committee. He was closely connected with the art activities of Wellington both on the administrative and teaching sides and as a practising artist over a period of thirty years. General. War conditions inevitably have affected the activities of the Art Gallery very considerably. Unlike the Museum Committee, the Committee of Management of the Art Gallery has not a large staff at its disposal. The staff was further depleted during the year owing to the war. The work of the Art Gallery is carried on largely by voluntary efforts of enthusiastic members of the Committee of Management whose time has been taken up lately in other activities in connection with the war effort. * Mr. G. G. Gibbes Watson was appointed to the Committee during the year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir George Troup.