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Deficiencies. —There were no payments made under the minimum-wage clause during the year. Accidents.—Two serious accidents occurred at this colliery. On 28th May, 1948, a rope-boy suffered a fracture of the right tibia and fibula when crushed between two trucks. On 15th September, 1948, a trucker suffered a fracture of the right radius when caught between two trucks. Stone-dusting.—This work was carried out regularly in the dry portions of the mine. Underground Workings.—The output for the period was obtained from the completion of pillar-extraction in the Slant Dip section and from development work in the north-east Bayne Area and in extending the dip. Slant Dip Section: On the completion of all pillar-extraction in December, this area was sealed with concrete stoppings. North-east Levels : The development levels from the Friction Winch Dip were extended to within 7 chains of the north-east boundary of the Bayne Area. Twelve chains north-east of the main haulage both levels encountered a sharp synclinal fold trending approximately north and south, with associated vertical dips in the trough. Bast from the trough of the syncline the dips flattened to 32° and then increased again to an average of 60°. Two rise headings with levels off them were driven outbye of the syncline on an average grade of 27° to develop the area to the south-west of the folding and to provide a new return airway for the north-east section. The coal in this section, with the exception of that in the trough of the fold, was of good quality and of a minimum thickness of 8 ft. where steepening occurred. Chutes facilitate coal handling. Main Dip Haulage: The now disused 340 ft. landing was graded out during the Christmas vacation and heavy-gauge rails were connected through, giving the use of the additional 450 ft. of haulage from the 144 ft. datum. This eliminated the need for two subsidiary dip haulages. Dip Extension : From the west development dip sunk from the 144 ft. main level, a level was driven north-east and south-west at the 54 ft. datum. From the north-east Extension a rise at a normal grade of 26° was driven to connect with the bottom of the present main haulage. The level was then extended a further 108 ft. north-east and a parallel rise heading to the 1.44 ft. level driven for a return airway. On the west side of the development dip the level was driven a distance of 3 chains in coal of excellent quality 8 ft. thick. The sinking of the Main Dip was recommenced, and at a datum of 28 ft. another level was begun with the object of developing a panel area to the dip on each side of the main haulage. On this and the level above the quality of coal to the north-east has shown some inconsistency, patches of soft coal being encountered whilst to the north-west and south-west a general thinning of the seam is indicated. Main Sump : A level 6 chains in length providing new standage for water was driven below the north-west 144 ft, horizon. Reconditioning : The reconditioning of the main return airway above the 340 ft. level and to the north-west of the main haulage was completed for a distance of 3 chains. Pumps : With the completion of the new bottom sump, a scheme to rearrange the pumping system and eliminate the necessity of dewatering in three lifts was commenced and it is now nearing completion. Winches : Six winches on order from overseas were delivered and five put into service. Electric Cables : The main feeder underground was replaced with one of higher carrying-capacity, and with the installation of a new sub-station at 144 ft. level a new cable was laid into the north-east section.